Home » Publications » Vol. 21, No. 1 (2025) » Significance of Woodcarvings in Manifesting Cultural Identity of Traditional Malay Architecture in Kuala Pilah

Significance of Woodcarvings in Manifesting Cultural Identity of Traditional Malay Architecture in Kuala Pilah


Malay woodcarving plays a prominent and integral role in Malay traditional art, culture, and architectural heritage. Its unique diversity of motifs is observed across Malaysia’s various states. However, a research gap exists in examining woodcarving motifs in traditional Malay houses, particularly in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. This study aims to identify and categorise the motifs within selected traditional houses in Kuala Pilah, a district renowned for its historical preservation of carving traditions and traditional Malay architecture. To achieve this study’s objectives, 10 traditional Malay houses in Kuala Pilah were selected for a preliminary survey based on the presence of woodcarving motifs. Subsequently, an in-depth investigation was conducted on four houses, involving motif identification, analysis, and categorisation. Photographic documentation recorded the locations of the motifs, facilitating comprehensive visual analysis. Expert interviews with experienced woodcarving practitioners were conducted to verify and validate the findings. The results reveal distinct categorisations, including fauna, still-life representations, geometric patterns, cosmic themes, floral designs, and combinations within the selected traditional houses, highlighting the Malay people’s cultural identity in Kuala Pilah. This study underscores the local significance and distinctive patterns of woodcarving motifs in these houses, aiming to explore their cultural values within the Malay community in Kuala Pilah. The findings also reveal an integration of Islamic artistic principles with local cultural motifs, emphasising a unique blend that contributes to the distinct identity of Malay architectural heritage in Kuala Pilah.



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