- Bridging Borders: The Role of Shared Security in Malaysia-China Relations, by Imran Ali Sandano, Hanizah Idris and Mazlan Bin Majid
- “Boys Will Be Boys?”: Men’s Talk As Homosocial Engagement in Male-Dominated WhatsApp Groups of Cycling Communities in Bandung, by Trisna Gumilar, Aquarini Priyatna and Tisna Prabasmoro
- Understanding Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 from the Malaysian Grassroots Perspective, by Nga Koe Hwee, Choong Pai Wei, Aristo Kesumo and Leong Ken Yien
- The Role of Volunteer Work Programmes in Promoting National Identity among University Volunteers in Achieving Saudi Vision 2030, by Abdulhadi Sharhan Alotaibi
- Simple Yet Effective: Relational Public Diplomacy by Indonesian Art Centres, by Sofia Trisni, Teuku Rezasyah, Junita Budi Rachman and Chandra Purnama
- Uncharted Voyages: Tuvaluans’ Narratives and Experiences of Statehood and Survival During Climate Change, by Fabio Calzolari and Wipa Phantanaboon
- Changes in Marital and Familial Perspectives of the Chinese Cantonese Community: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, by Ha Trieu Huy
- A Study of Non-State Actors in ASEAN Community Building Post-ASEAN Charter, by Pushpanathan Sundram
- Vietnam-China Economic Cooperation: An Ambivalent Engagement, by Zaharul Abdullah, Noor Ashikin Said and Mohammad Ikhram Mohammad Ridzuan
- Significance of Woodcarvings in Manifesting Cultural Identity of Traditional Malay Architecture in Kuala Pilah, by Juliana Adlin Ahmad
- The Disordering of Space in the Transformation of the Balinese Traditional House in Tourism Economy, by I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra, Mirjana Lozanovska and Robert J. Fuller
- Book Review: The Evolution of Pragmatism in India: Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction, by Prabhat Dixit
- Book Review: Migration in Southeast Asia: IMISCOE Regional Reader. IMISCOE Research Series, by Jakob Henninger
- Book Review: The Postcolonial Millennium: New Directions in Malaysian Literature in English, by Kavitha Ganesan
Home » Publications » Vol. 21, No. 1 (2025)