Vol. 6, No. 1 (2010): 95–99.
Institutionalising Northeast Asia: Regional Steps towards Global Governance. Timmermann, Martina, and Jitsuo Tsuchiyama (Eds.). Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2008. Review by Carmen Amado Mendes.
This book describes the current situation of integration and cooperation in Northeast Asia (China, Taiwan, South Korea, the Korean Peninsula and Japan), considered as “the most heavily militarised region in the world” (p.1). With 19 chapters by different authors, it combines several approaches to the attempts to create regional institutions, arguing that this is a process that is still in its early stages. The theoretical part of the book defines institutionalism and regionalism and includes a comparison of institutionalisation in Northeast Asia and within the European Union, showing the importance of identity building and regional leadership. The chapters of Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Richard Higgott and Martina Timmermann, and Baogang